條款及細則 | 先鋒廣告製作有限公司
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條款及細則 Terms and Conditions



1. 一般條款及細則

  1. 客戶使用本公司服務,即表示客戶無條件接受各項條款及細則。本公司將不時檢討條款及細則並適時作出修訂,請瀏覽本公司網頁查閱最新條款及細則版本。

  2. 在颱風及暴雨信號生效時期間,所有服務安排可能有所延誤或暫停。有關訂單之交貨期,會自動順延至信號取消後之下一個工作天。

  3. 報價單有效期為十四日,並只適用於曾向本公司要求報價之客戶。

  4. 如需大量製作,本公司建議客戶先付款製作打稿,用作量產時的參考標準。為保證生產質素,在提取打稿起計三天內必須確認生產。

  5. 所有訂單一經確認,恕不接受更改或取消。

  6. 於截單時間前遞交適當稿件及付款作實後可計算為當天訂單,逾時訂單需重新計算交貨日期。截單時間: 星期一至五下午五時正。星期六、星期日及公眾假期之訂單,將於下一個工作天處理。

  7. 訂單上的預計交貨日期僅供參考,最終交貨日期以列印在發票上的資訊為準。

  8. 客戶使用本公司之服務,務必保證製品不包含任何未經版權持有人授權的文字、圖像、設計、商標、貨幣及鈔票或任何受版權保護的作品;客戶保證產品不會侵犯任何第三方的任何權利,包括但不限於版權、商標、宣傳、私隱,不會誹謗或詆毀任何第三方,以及已獲得所有必須的授權或權限將第三方的材料加入客戶之作品;客戶保證已獲得所有必須的權限、權利和授權下訂單,並授權本公司製作客戶的作品;如有需要,本公司可能要求客戶出示有關權限授權書以作核實。

  9. 若客戶所提供之稿件內容涉及或可能涉及誹謗、侵犯私隱、偽冒、抄襲、複製、侵犯知識產權、不雅、淫褻、侵犯任何第三者權利、貨幣及鈔票或違反香港現行法律之內容等,本公司保留拒絕製作之權利。在適用法律允許的最大範圍內,本公司亦不會就產品之內容向使用者或任何第三者承擔任何責任。

  10. 客戶承諾,若任何人、集團或機構就上述第8及9項提出任何形式的訴訟、索賠、通知或採取的任何行動,將彌償本公司及其董事、管理人員和員工所遭受的任何損失,包括但不限於相關的索賠、損失、成本和合理之律師費用。

  11. 本公司將保留製作產品的最終決定權。

  12. 本公司可按其絕對酌情決定隨時更改、刪除或補充此條款及細則,而不作另行通知。本公司所使用或展示的商標、商用名稱、徽號和服務標誌(「商標」),由公司及其他相關人士擁有。未經本公司或該等人士的書面批准,任何人士不可使用此等商標。

  13. 本公司之條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄並按其詮釋。如就本條款及細則所引起或與其有關的爭議,相關人士及本公司同意接受香港法院的專屬司法管轄權管轄。

  14. 如中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以中文版本為準。

2. 收費條款及細則

  1. 客戶必要遵守及符合本公司的付款條款及收費方式。除非另有收費協議。

  2. 就客戶更改或取消訂單、稿件、運輸服務,有機會需要支付額外費用,而該費用並不會顯示於已發出之單據上,但客戶必須履行責任繳付因此而衍生的費用。客戶若因拖欠費用,本公司有權終止其帳戶提供的一切服務,直至尚未清還餘額完全清付為止。


3. 稿件規格條款及細則

  1. 客戶需按照本公司的稿件規格指引製作稿件,若稿件未能符合規格,本公司保留權利拒絕接受。

  2. 客戶所提供的稿件只作訂單製作用途,當訂單生產完成後,本公司保留決定權在任何時候刪除稿件。

  3. 客戶所提供的稿件需符合CMYK模式,如不符合指定色彩模式,本公司會自行代客戶轉換為CMYK模式而不作另行通知,客戶需承擔色彩差異之風險。

  4. 客戶所提供的稿件如跟客戶之生產要求有所出入,當中可能包括但不限於檔案內之尺寸大小不一致、出血位不足、顏色、裁切尺寸、圖像解像度不足、欠缺字款等,以致產品跟客戶之期望有所誤差,本公司恕不負責。

  5. 稿件上如印有QR code 或Barcode 條碼,本公司不能保證條碼內的資料能讀取正常。

  6. 所有多邊形裁切(「Die-cut」)服務,需要提供附多邊形裁切線之Adobe Illustrator稿件檔案(.ai)。


4. 取貨/送貨服務條款及細則

  1. 客戶於取貨時,敬請即場驗証產品數量及品質;當產品出門後,如客戶反映質量不足,將不獲受理。

  2. 所有訂單需於取貨日期起計的三十天內取貨或安排送貨服務。本公司有權不予保存逾期產品而不作另行通知,有關訂金及款項亦不予退還。

  3. 送貨服務範圍僅限於香港特別行政區。

  4. 客戶訂購產品時可確認送貨日期,送貨服務時間會因不同地區而有所不同,恕未能為客戶提供指定送貨時間。

  5. 運費以每張訂單作獨立計算,每張訂單只包括一個送貨地點。

  6. 如訂單需同時訂購大量產品、產品需獨立包裝、送貨期間需排隊或排倉、送貨範圍為貨物裝卸區、機場空運、殯儀館或貨運碼頭,送貨服務均需特別報價。

  7. 送貨範圍不包括離島、禁區、5.5公噸或以上貨車不能進入的路段、展覽場地、船屋/船、地盤、裝修單位、貨櫃碼頭、貨品須經露台懸掛入屋內或現場環境不容許運送所購買之貨品的地點。

  8. 送貨服務不包含停車場收費,如停車場需收費,將以實報實銷形式向客戶於送貨時收取;或於最接近的停泊點提供地面交收。

  9. 送貨地點之街道必須容許貨車停泊。若送貨地點未能停泊車輛或沒有停車場,送貨人員會致電客戶,並於最接近的停泊點提供地面交收。

  10. 若送貨地點沒有升降機或貨品須經樓梯送貨,顧客須繳付額外的搬運費。

  11. 如在送貨當日,因送貨地址沒有人收貨,是次送貨費用將不會退回。如需再次安排送貨,我們將會再次收取送貨費用。

  12. 如送貨當天遇上八號或以上颱風訊號、黑色暴雨警告、惡劣天氣、嚴重水浸、道路阻塞或封閉,當日及翌日之送貨服務可能會延遲或取消。我們將會致電客戶再作安排,補送服務將於七天內完成。

  13. 收貨人須年滿十八歲並為客戶的授權代表,任何收貨人的指示/所提供的信息或行爲均代表客戶本人。

  14. 如有任何更改或取消,請於送貨日前1個工作天中午十二時或之前致通知本公司作出有關安排,逾期恕不接受。


5. 裝裱工程服務條款及細則

  1. 裝裱工程服務的標準服務時間為工作天早上9時至下午6時。如客戶需要在標準服務時間以外時間裝裱,客戶必需支付事先確定的附加費。

  2. 下列情況包括但不限於非標準服務時間、安裝地址位於香港偏遠地區、經樓梯送貨、未能停泊車輛或沒有停車場而需要搬運送貨、延長租借期等,均需支付附加收費。

  3. 本公司建議客戶於開始任何裝裱工程前,可先考慮安排由本公司提供的現場度尺服務(需另收費),以避免或減低現場環境有可能發生的誤差。否則,本公司將根據客戶所提供的稿件及尺寸製作產品,而不會承擔因誤差情況之任何後果或責任。

  4. 客戶需確認取得所在物業及相關單位進行安裝工程的許可權,並同意就本公司因有關裝裱工程而引致相關的所有索償、法律責任、損失及收費作出完全彌償。

  5. 客戶需確保裱貼表面已清潔、安全及適合進行裝裱工程,否則,客戶需承擔額外所需費用及所帶來之延誤、後果或責任。

  6. 如於確認訂單後,客戶需要更改日期或取消已安排的裝裱工程,該訂單的裝裱費用將不獲退還。而期後重新安排之裝裱服務,本公司將另行收費。

  7. 裝裱工程完成後,客戶需即場檢查及驗收,並於工程單上簽署確認。


6. 退貨條款及細則

  1. 若產品有瑕疵而欲退貨時,請於取貨後廿四小時內以電郵並附上產品瑕疵部份之照片發送到本公司電郵sales@sinfung.com.hk,並需保持退回物品的完整性,如數量、包裝、或附件皆需與落單內容一致,否則恕不予以退貨。本公司收到電郵後將會在下一個工作天內確定處理方式並通知客戶安排包括重印安排及送貨時間。

  2. 本公司恕不予安排回收任何客戶要求的退貨。

  3. 本公司會按每一個退貨之要求作出調查及審核,並保留拒絕或重新製作部份或全部產品之最終決定權。

  4. 本公司只會按原有訂單上列明的要求重印,包括但不限於稿件、物料、尺寸、取貨方式等。並盡快交付客戶。

  5. 本公司恕不承擔客戶在使用本公司產品或服務,在任何陳述、情況、條款下所產生之直接或間接、特殊或後果性的利潤、成本、費用之損失或損害的索償。


7. 網站使用條款及細則

  1. 本公司網站(www.sinfung.com.hk)主要旨在提供予任何人士於香港境內使用。因此本公司並不能夠保證本公司網站或其資訊符合其他國家的法律或規則,或適用於其他地區。客戶需為任何人士利用客戶的電腦使用本網站負上全部責任,亦必須確保該等人士遵守此等使用條款。

  2. 本公司網站顯示的商標、標識及服務標記均受保護,用戶不得在未經本公司或商標、標識及服務標誌的擁有人書面同意下使用。本公司網站所載資料受版權保護,未經本公司書面同意,該等資料任何部分均不得修改、複製、儲存於檢索系統、傳送(以任何形式或途徑)、抄襲、分發、作為創作素材或用作其他商業或公開用途。

  3. 任何編配及提供予客戶之登入編號或密碼(「用戶號碼」)均僅供客戶用於個人或商業用途。客戶需對所有經用戶號碼發出之所有聲明及作出之所有行為負責。客戶同意在用戶號碼遺失或被盜,或保密性被侵犯時立即知會本公司。客戶明確同意本公司基於提醒密碼,維持向客戶提供服務及/或遵照法院及/或政府部門合法要求時進入帳戶。

  4. 本公司網站所有資料和描述會不時變更。本公司在編製本公司網站所載的內容及材料時,本公司已嚴謹處理,而此等內容及資訊均「按原樣」提供,本公司並不明示或暗示地對其作任何類型的保證。對於客戶對提供之資料任何依賴,本公司並不保證此等內容及材料並無侵權,亦不保證其安全、準確、適合使用性或不含有電腦病毒。

  5. 本公司網站或可連結至任何其他網站(「外界網站」),本公司不對該等外界網站載有的內容或其設定負責。客戶登入及使用外界網站需自行承擔風險,並需遵守登入及使用外界網站的任何條款及細則。本公司網站提供超連結至外界網站,並不視為本公司同意、推薦、認可、保證或推介任何第三方或在該外界網站所提供的服務或產品,或本公司與該等第三方及該外界網站有任何形式的合作。如客戶與該外界網站的供應者訂立任何合約安排,本公司並非此等安排的其中一方,除非本公司明確表明或同意。

  6. 經互聯網向本公司傳送電郵信息,不保證完全安全。客戶經互聯網傳送信息給本公司或本公司按客戶的要求經互聯網向其發出信息而招致任何損失,本公司概不負責。因使用本公司網站而招致或與此相關的任何直接、間接、特殊或相應而生的損失,本公司概不負責。

  7. 基於互聯網的性質,經互聯網進行交易或傳送信息可能受到干擾、傳送中斷、延遲傳送或傳送數據錯誤影響。如超出本公司控制範圍內的通訊設施發生故障,而可能影響客戶傳送信息和進行交易的準確性或時效,本公司概不負責。

8. 個人資料及私隱

  1. 本公司重視客戶的私隱。除特別説明外,我們收集所得的所有個人資料將嚴格按照本公司的私隱政策處理,該私隱政策載於本公司網站。

  2. 本公司可能會要求客戶提供個人資料。拒絕提供該等資料可能令客戶無法登入本公司網站的某些部分,或可能導致本公司無法處理任何客戶的申請或要求,或無法為客戶提供任何產品或服務。假如客戶未滿十八歲,客戶需先獲得家長或監護人同意,方可向本公司提供任何個人資料。

The products and services provided by Sin Fung Advertising Production Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the company" or "us") are subject to the following terms and conditions:

A. General Terms and Conditions 
1. Customers who use our company's services mean that they unconditionally accept the terms and conditions. The company will review the terms and conditions from time to time and make amendments in due course. Please visit the company's website for the latest version of the terms and conditions.

2. During the period when the typhoon and rainstorm signal is in effect, all service arrangements may be delayed or suspended. The delivery date of the relevant order will be automatically postponed to the next working day after the signal is cancelled.

3. The quotation is valid for 14 days and is only applicable to customers who have requested a quotation from the company.

4. If mass production is required, our company recommends that customers pay for proofing copy first, as a reference for mass production. In order to ensure the quality of production, the production must be confirmed within three days from the date of proofing copy affirmation.

5. All orders once confirmed, no changes or cancellations will be accepted.

6. After submitting the appropriate manuscript and payment before the cut-off time, it can be counted as the same-day order, and the delivery date must be recalculated for overtime orders. Order cut-off time: 5:00 pm from Monday to Friday. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays will be processed on the next working day.

7. The estimated delivery date on the order is for reference only, and final delivery date is subject to the information printed on the invoice.

8. Customers using our company’s services must ensure that the products do not contain any text, images, designs, trademarks, currency and banknotes or any copyright works that are not authorized by the copyright holder; the customer guarantees that the product will not infringe any rights of third parties, including but not limited to copyright, trademarks, publicity, privacy, will not slander any third parties, and have obtained all necessary authorizations or permissions to add third-party materials to the customer’s work; the customer guarantees to get all necessary permissions, rights, and authorizations to place orders, and authorize the company to produce customers' works; if necessary, the company may require customers to present relevant authorization letters for verification.

9. If the content of the manuscript provided by the customer involves or may involve defamation, infringement of privacy, counterfeiting, plagiarism, copying, infringement of intellectual property rights, indecent, obscene, infringement of the rights of any third party, currency and banknotes, or violation of the current Hong Kong legal law and regulation, the company reserves the right to refuse production. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the company will not assume any responsibility to the user or any third party for the content of the product.

10. The customer promises that if any person, group or organization files any litigation, claim, notice or any action taken in relation to items 8 and 9 above, it will indemnify the company and its directors, managers and employees any loss, including but not limited to related claims, losses, costs and reasonable attorney fees.

11. The company reserves the right to make the final decision.

12. The company may change, delete or supplement these terms and conditions at any time at its own discretion without prior notice. The trademarks, commercial names, emblems and service marks ("Trademarks") used or displayed by the company are owned by the company and other related parties. Without prior written approval of the company, no one may use these trademarks.

13. The company's terms and conditions are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. For disputes arising from or related to these terms and conditions, the relevant parties and the company agree to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong court.

14. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

B. Payment Terms and Conditions 

1. Customers must comply with the company's payment terms and methods unless agreed separately.

2. For customers to change or cancel orders, manuscripts production or delivery services, there is a chance to pay additional fees, and the fees will not be shown on the issued documents. And customer must pay the costs incurred. If the customer is in arrears, the company has the right to terminate all services provided by his account until the unpaid balance is fully paid.


C. Artwork Specification Terms and Conditions 


1. Customer shall provide artwork files which fulfil our specifications and guidelines, otherwise we reserve the right to reject.

2. The artwork files would only be used for printing. We will not responsible for the storage of artwork files. Once the order is completed, we reserve the right to delete the artwork files at any time.

3. Customer needs to create artwork files in CMYK colour mode. If the artwork files are set in inappropriate color mode, we will convert to CMYK colour mode without prior notice, and customer shall assume the risk of color difference.

4. We are not responsible for any files submitted by customer that does not match with customer requirements, which may include but no limit to the file inconsistency with size, bleeding area, colour, cutting size, image resolution inadequate, lacking fonts.

5. If the artwork file contains QR code or Barcode, we cannot guarantee it can be read normally.

6. Customer needs to provide Adobe Illustrator format file (.ai) with die-cut path if the order needs die-cut service.


D. Pick Up / Delivery Terms and Conditions


1. When the customer picks up the goods, please verify the quantity and quality of the product on the spot. After the product is received by customer, if the customer reports any quality problem, it will not be accepted. For delivery items, customer is required to inspect the quantity and quality of products received within 24 hours, return will not be accepted after customers' acceptance of goods.

2. All orders must be picked up within 30 days from the pick-up date or arranged for delivery service. The company reserves the right not to keep the overdue products without prior notice, and the deposit and money will not be refunded.

3. The scope of delivery service is limited to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

4. Customers can confirm the delivery date when placing order. The delivery time will vary from district to district, and we cannot provide customers with a designated delivery time.

5. Shipping costs are for each order, and each order includes only one delivery location.

6. Delivery service charge is to be quoted separately if large volume on delivery, individually wrapped products, queue up for delivery or warehouse, entering cargo handling area, funeral parlor, or pier would be needed.

7. Delivery service is not applicable to Outlying Islands, as well as restricted areas, roads which prohibits truck weighted 5.5 tones or above, exhibition site, apartment / houseboat under renovation, boat, construction site, container terminal, addresses where goods delivery have to go through the balcony. Should deliveries be made to a ferry terminal, customer must arrange their own drop off or pick up logistics. Special quotations are needed.

8. The delivery service does not include parking fee. If the parking lot requires a fee, it will be charged to the customer at the time of delivery in the form of reimbursement; or ground delivery will be provided at the nearest parking point.

9. Parking service must be available for the delivery address. If the delivery address cannot be parked, we will contact customer to collect the finished goods at the nearest parking space.

10. Buildings without lift or products can only access through staircases, additional fee will be charges.

11. If there is no one at the delivery address to receive the goods on the day of delivery, the delivery fee will not be refunded. If you need to arrange delivery again, we will charge the delivery fee again.

12. In case of typhoon signal No. 8 or above, black rainstorm warning, severe weather, severe flooding, road blockage or closure on the day of delivery, the delivery service on the same day and the following day may be delayed or cancelled. We will call the customer to make follow up arrangements, and the replacement service will be completed within seven days.

13. A person who is over the age of 18 with appropriate identification shall be present to take delivery of the items concerned.

14. I If customer would like to reschedule or cancel the delivery service, please notify the company to make relevant arrangements at or before 12 noon two working days before the delivery date. Overdue will not be accepted.


E. Installation Services Terms and Conditions


1. The standard installation service hour is from 9 am to 6 pm on working days. If the customer needs to install the frame outside the standard service hours, the customer must pay a predetermined surcharge.

2. The following situations include, but are not limited to, non-standard service hours, the installation address is located in a remote area of ​​Hong Kong, delivery via stairs, failure to park the vehicle or no parking lot and the need to move and deliver goods, extension of the lease period, etc., are subject to additional charges.

3. In order to avoid or minimize any possible measurement errors at the on-site environment, we recommend that customer shall consider our on-site measurement service (the additional cost will be charged) prior to commencing any installation service, otherwise we will based on the dimensions as provided by customer and process to production, and customer are liable for any failure or responsibility resulting from any measurement errors at the on-site environment.

4. Customer shall confirm that all necessary consents and permits for the installation work is already obtained, and agree to fully indemnify and hold the Company harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, expenses and losses suffered or incurred by the Company arising out of the installation work.

5. Customer shall ensure that the surface for mounting is already clean, safe and fit for conducting the installation service, otherwise customer has the liable for any additional charges, delays, consequences or responsibility resulted.

6. After confirming the order, if the customer needs to change the date or cancel the arranged mounting project, the mounting fee for the order will not be refunded. The mounting service rescheduled after the period will be charged separately.

7. Upon completion of installation service, customer shall inspect the outcome immediately at the on-site environment and sign of the work note for confirmation.


F.  Returns Policy Terms and Conditions


1. If customer discovers any damage to the products, please send it to our company email sales@sinfung.com.hk with a photo of the defective part within 24 hours after picking up the goods, and keep the returned item in its original forms, such as quantity, packaging, or accessories, must be consistent with the order content, otherwise the product will not be returned. After receiving the email, the company will determine the handling method and notify the customer of the arrangement including reprinting arrangements and delivery time within the next working day.

2. The company will not arrange to collect any returned goods requested by customers.

3. The Company has the right to inspect and verify each request of damage, and reserves the right of final decision of reprint or refuse.

4. All reprints will be processed according to the details specified on the original order, which includes but not limit to the artwork, materials, product size, delivery methods.

5. The Company assumes no liability for any consequential, incidental lost profits, costs or damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of our products and service under whatsoever statements, terms and conditions.

G. Website Terms and Conditions

1. The company's website (www.sinfung.com.hk) is mainly intended for anyone to use in Hong Kong. Therefore, the company cannot guarantee that the company’s website or its information complies with the laws or regulations of other countries or is applicable to other regions. The customer shall take full responsibility for the use of this website by any person using the customer's computer, and must ensure that such persons comply with these terms of use.

2. The trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the company's website are protected, and users may not use them without written consent of the company or the owner of the trademarks, logos and service marks. The information contained in the company’s website is protected by copyright. Without the written consent of the company, no part of such information may be modified, copied, stored in the retrieval system, transmitted (in any form or channel), plagiarized, distributed, used as creative material or used for other commercial or public purposes.

3. Any login ID or password ("User ID") allocated and provided to the client is only for the client's personal or commercial use. The customer is responsible for all statements and all actions made by the user ID. The customer agrees to notify the company immediately when the user ID is lost or stolen, or the confidentiality is violated. The customer agrees that the company maintains the service to the customer based on password reminder and/or accesses the account when complying with the legal requirements of the court and/or government departments.
4. All information and descriptions on our website will be changed from time to time. When the company compiles the content and materials contained in the company's website, the company has handled it rigorously, and these content and information are provided "as is", and the company does not express or impliedly guarantee them of any kind. For any reliance on the information provided by the customer, the company does not guarantee that these contents and materials are free from infringement, nor that they are safe, accurate, suitable for use, or free of computer viruses.

5. The company's website may be linked to any other websites ("external websites"), and the company is not responsible for the content or settings on these external websites. Customers log in and use external websites at their own risk, and must abide by any terms and conditions for logging in and using external websites. The company’s website provides hyperlinks to external websites, and it is not deemed that the company agrees, recommends, approves, guarantees, or recommends any third party or the services or products provided on the external website, or the company’s cooperation with such third parties and there is any form of cooperation with external websites. If the customer enters into any contractual arrangement with the provider of the external website, the company is not a party to these arrangements, unless the company expressly indicates or agrees.

6. Sending email messages to our company via the Internet does not guarantee complete security. The company is not responsible for any loss incurred by the customer sending information to the company via the Internet or the company sending information to the customer via the Internet at the request of the customer. The company is not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or corresponding losses incurred or related to the use of the company's website.

7. Due to the nature of the Internet, transactions or transmission of information via the Internet may be affected by interference, transmission interruption, delayed transmission or transmission data errors. The company is not responsible for the failure of communication facilities beyond the control of the company, which may affect the accuracy or timeliness of customer transmission of information and transactions.


H. Personal Information and Privacy


1. The company values ​​the privacy of customers. Unless otherwise specified, all personal data collected by us will be handled in strict accordance with the company's privacy policy, which is posted on the company's website.

2. The company may ask customers to provide personal information. Refusal to provide such information may prevent customers from accessing certain parts of the company's website, or may cause the company to be unable to process any customer applications or requests, or to provide customers with any products or services. If the customer is under the age of 18, the customer must obtain the consent of the parent or guardian before providing any personal information to the company.

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